
How To Make Layered Cake

Some of the well-nigh common emails I become is "Can you practise a tutorial on how to make a layer cake?" or "How do I become my crumb coat smooth?"

I would love to share the tips and tricks that I employ!

how to level cake

This is the SUPER FAST and Like shooting fish in a barrel version!

Use a good recipe.  This tin be a box mix or your favorite homemade recipe.  You are looking for a cake the bakes up apartment and even and moist and business firm.  Like shooting fish in a barrel correct? (This is my favorite chocolate cake recipe, it is perfect every time!)

Merely in case your cake does not broil evenly, have no fright!  Yous can simply level your cake.  At that place are 3 easy ways to do that:

Use leveler or a long serrated pocketknife to skim off the tiptop dome role of your block.

If your cake has risen above the edges of your cake pan, you can rest the knife on the edges of the pan and utilise the pan as your guide.

As before long as your block is done baking, take a clean towel and lay it on top of your cake.  Printing gently and evenly.Tip: This merely works if your block is done baking!  So make sure y'all test information technology.

Brand sure all your layers are the same superlative.

neopolitan cake

Neapolitan Cake

Chill your layers earlier assembly.I find that working with a chilled or partially frozen cakes really helps.  There is zippo worse than trying to assemble a layer cake and having it fall into pieces in your hands.And you totally know I am speaking from experience.

There are many methods to torting, or using frosting in betwixt the layers of your cake.  I like to practice what is easiest and whatever method requires as few tools equally necessary.

building a layer cake

I just decide before hand how thick I want my layer to be and so use an appropriate amount of frosting. One-half cup is a nice thin layer on an 8in block,  but ane cup of frosting is my go-to amount.  I like frosting.Lots of it.

I typically apply almost a cup of frosting on a 6in every bit well as an 8in cake.  I don't recommend that.  Y'all exist normal and use less on that 6in cake, ok?

Place your starting time layer on your cake stand.  Put  frosting on it and use a small offset spatula to make frosting an even layer.

Identify your next layer on top.  Some frosting should "spill out" the sides and that is exactly what you want.  Echo this process;  frosting, layer of block, frosting, layer of cake, until yous have added all your layers.

When making a layer cake it is important to do a crumb coat.

A crumb coat is merely a sparse layer of frosting applied to a cake.  The nibble glaze is intended to seal in crumbs, hence the name, crumb glaze. Perhaps too much frosting spilled out, or your layers may non be perfectly aligned, or maybe your block is slightly lopsided.  Doing a crumb glaze is a slap-up opportunity to fill up in whatsoever trouble areas.

layer cake

Want to see how this cake turned out?  It's the New Years Eve Block in my book, 'surprise-within cakes'!

Use an offset spatula.  I put a dollop on peak of the block and and so apply the spatula to bring it downwardly over the sides, making certain to get the frosting all the manner to bottom.

If you take a rotating cake stand, y'all can place your spatula apartment confronting the cake and slowly turn the stand.  This will help polish out the frosting and create an even coat.

You can also utilise a demote scraper and move around the block. If you see any uneven spots, just add more frosting to those areas and so repeat with the first spatula or bench scraper.

Once your cake is covered in the crumb coat, I usually arctic it for at least x minutes.  I like the cake to settle and the frosting to set.

layer cake

To decorate a block, I start by putting a shine layer of frosting on.This is done the same way as the nibble coat.  Place a dollop on top of the cake and pull information technology down over the sides using an offset spatula.

To shine out the sides, make sure the cake is covered in an even layer of frosting, then place spatula (or bench scraper) flat against side of block.  Slowly turning cake, smooth out layer of frosting until you have polished, even coat.

This step takes do, so don't exist too difficult on yourself if it doesn't look perfect.  Only keep at it until y'all are comfy with how your cake looks!

Once y'all take the sides done, use your spatula to smooth out the top. Starting at the edge, gently press your spatula confronting the frosting and movement in, towards the heart of the cake. Echo this effectually the entire cake until yous accept removed excess frosting.

You lot tin can utilize the small offset spatula to go effectually cake to make the superlative crisp and clean.

Note: If at that place are any dents or areas without enough frosting, simply add more frosting and then smooth out once again. You can do this procedure as many times every bit needed!

I have also placed my cake stand direct on a rotating stand, and this helps me when smoothing out the edges.

How to Frost a Cake!


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